Archive for the ‘vibrator’ Category

8 Reasons to Buy Your Daughter a Vibrator

August 17, 2007

1. She can’t get knocked up by a vibrator. Plain and simple, there is no way on earth your daughter can get impregnated by a synthetic battery operated device. If you give your daughter her own vibrator you can rest assured that for a while at least, you won’t have to hear those dreaded words, “Mom, Dad, I think I’m pregnant.”

2. The Venus Butterfly won’t give your daughter herpes. Unless she shares it with a friend that is. But then again teaching proper health, hygiene and toy cleaning is a mom’s job now isn’t it?

3. A vibrator won’t break her heart. It’s perfectly fine for your daughter to fall in love with her vibrator. Even if it breaks her heart by malfunctioning she can always purchase a new one. There’ll be no more ice cream eating…Read the rest

Sex Toys TV

August 5, 2007

It’s pretty easy to tell what’s on my mind today but what can I say, I had a great time with a great toy and now I feel like talking about toys.

I wanted to see if I could find the wiggle wand for a cheaper price than what I paid for it. I came across this site called Sex Toys TV. It’s pretty cool. there are video instructions for using various toys including a really wacky looking cone vibrator.

There are times in the videos that the presenter wants to laugh. It’s hilarious because she smirks and turns red and tries not to laugh especially when she starts giving good reasons a vibrator should be quiet.

Sex Toys TV will even explain how to use bondage tape. LOL which I think is a hoot!

After watching all these video demonstrations I have a feeling my toy collection is going to get even bigger. Check it out.

Have You Recently Decided to Connect Your Cell Phone, Bluetooth and Vibrating Sex Toy?

June 9, 2007

Chances are, if you haven’t thought about it then you aren’t using up to snuff sex toy technology.
Today’s sex toys are far more versatile than they were 20 years ago. Heck their more high tech than they were 5 years ago!

Ladies, (and Gentlemen) there is a new vibrator on the market. It’s called The Toy. That’s right, no fancy porn names for this toy. The Toy is a vibrating bullet that’s remotely controlled by text messages sent via a bluetooth capable cell phone.

What happens in you sync up the vibrator with someone’s cell phone. Wear the toy out and about and have that someone send you messages that start with .toy. Anytime the recognized phone sends you the pre-tagged text the toy goes off and well…so do you.

It can’t be just any old bluetooth compatible phone, it has to be one of the models listed on The Toy’s website. It just so happens my Sony Ericsson W810i is listed as compatible with The Toy.

The Toy looks relatively small, it’s just a bullet and not a whole penis replica. It comes in 5 colors, black, silver, purple, blue and orange. Why someone would want an orange vibrator is beyond me. I have a green one and I never got past its color but maybe that’s just me.

The Toy arrives in an attache case with its own combination lock, cleansing wipes, wall charger, a manual, some lube and a spare O ring.

I’d love to give this little toy a try but it doesn’t come cheap. Right now it’s selling for $256 smackeroons. That’s a pretty steep price for a sex toy but if it does what it says it does it might be worth it.

The website has a brief scenario in which a woman pops the toy in on a Monday and has her lover send her messages. It says, ” Imagine leaving for work, The Toy in place. Imagine the thrill of receiving a message. Imagine the hunger for that first one…oh, the antici…pation!”

Yea I can imagine, too bad it’s just so damned expensive.