Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Rosie O’Donnell’s Big Fat Mouth

May 26, 2007

Rosie O’Donnell has really done it this time. I thought it was funny when she bad mouthed Donald Trump but the argument she got into with The View Co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck did it for me.

I used to like Rosie, I thought she was funny albeit sometimes abrasive. Now I think she needs to shut her big fat mouth.

While I don’t agree 90% of the time with President George Bush, I can’t sit here in good conscious and agree with Rosie O’Donnell either.

Rosie made the statement on The View that there were 655,000 Iraqi dead. But she didn’t stop there. She went on to ask, Who would you call the terrorist?”

Even though she didn’t come right out and say American Troops are terrorists, she certainly implied it.

Our troops are not terrorists. Yes, there have been thousands of lives lost in Iraq, yes there have been thousands of American lives lost in this war but there is no way, on a cold day in hell that I would ever accuse our troops of being terrorists.

I come from a military background, my father was in the Air Force. He served this country for 20 years of his life. He was and still is a military man at heart. He served in Desert Storm and few other smaller battles we had. I would never say that my father is a terrorist. I stand by our Military and our Troops who are in Iraq, endangering their lives every day to fight for our country and I’m sure not all of them agree with the President. But they do what they do because they love this country, regardless of the President’s decisions.

One of the things that pisses me off about Rosie, is that she loves to start a fight but doesn’t have the balls to finish it. She likes to hit and run. Every time she starts to feel the backlash from one of her absurd statements she runs off and hides. Even worse she falls back on the old, “I’m being picked on because I’m a fat lesbian.” C’mon! Finish what you start Rosie!

I’m not a Bush fan and now, sadly, I’m not a Rosie fan either.