Archive for the ‘manga’ Category

English vs Foreign Jibberish

June 29, 2007

I just did an experiment where I clicked on the blog bar at the very top of my blog and went through 25 different blogs simply by clicking on the next blog link.

Being both nosey and curious I was excited to find what other blogs are out there in the blogosphere.

I am both disgusted and irritated by the lack of English speaking blogs I came across.  It would be nice if blogger would give us a choice between languages when using the next blog link.

For those of you who wish to write your blogs in your native tongues please consider finding a translator.  It would make it so much nicer and of course readable for those of us slackers that refuse to learn a foreign language.

I do not want my porn in Punjabi nor do I have any desire to watch Spanish videos or try to figure out why there are symbols and questionmarks in place of text on sex toy review sites.  

I refuse to check out dirty manga sites written in a language only aliens understand and I will not comment, bookmark, condone or refrain from cussing when I come across sites that would require me to apply for citizenship in another country.

Damn it this is the internet, don’t you know most of us read English?