Archive for the ‘scams’ Category

Cashing in on Christ

May 2, 2007

We all know that money makes the world go around. Building an empire from dust is the American dream realized. The ugly truth of the matter is that as modern civilized humans we place a value on everything. Some of us are wiling to pay great sums of money to show the value we have assigned to something and some of us shell out the dough so that we might be valued enough to be a part of something. It’s just too bad for others it means sucking dry the value of Christianity. I would love to see these preachers and pastors put their money where their mouths are. Too many of them preach about sacrifice, often quoting the bible and relying on scriptures that teach us to put away earthly treasures and carry the cross, but rarely do we see that many religious leaders following their own advice. What was once an honored and reverent life choice is now just another job where the getting is good and the ability to scam someone is high.Read the rest