Archive for the ‘characteristics of a cult’ Category

It’s Fucked Up Friday News Time

August 10, 2007

Ok folks it’s another Fucked Up Friday and it’s time for the news.  Since I’ve previously focused on sex related topics I’ve decided this weeks news will center around fucked up religious  news.  

Satan Is Suing OttowaSelf-appointed party president Brian “Godzilla” Salmi filed suit in Federal Court in Montreal Tuesday over the 14-year-old election reform laws that stripped the Rhinos of registered party status.  He has legally changed his name to Satan and, officially, the lawsuit is filed under Satan versus Her Majesty The Queen.

Irish Village Claims to be the Seat of a Religious Sex CultI guess Ireland isn’t any different than any other place when it comes to having cult organizations.  The Children of God Cult, in which orgies and sex between adults and children was considered the highest expression of love, had one of its communes in county Limerick in the late 1990’s, it has been claimed in a new book. And Julianna Buhring, who lived in one of the religious cult’s rented homes somewhere near Castleconnell for over a year, said she is “positive” the organisation is still active in this region.

Colorado Police Officers Lose Their Badges for being Polygamists – I can’t figure out why these people admit to it.  It’s their lives and while bigamy may be against the law there is a certain infringement on civic rights in my opinion when the government starts poking its nose into someone’s bedroom affairs.  Several police officers are waiting anxiously for the outcome in this situation because not having a pay check ruins everybody’s day.

18-year-old Girl Ordered to be Gang-raped to Shame Her Family – What the fuck is wrong with people??  A young girl in Pakistan was ordered to be raped because her 11 year old brother walked another girl home unchaperoned.  One of the men sitting on the council that ordered this punishment is the girl’s uncle.  I hope they rape the fuckers in the ass and shoot them in the face for what they’ve done.

Horny Catholic Priest Jogs Naked Around the Frederick High School Track – Oh My God!  I almost died laughing when I heard this.  Apparently some horny old priest not only walks around naked in his house with his curtains open but he also jogs at the ass-crack of dawn in the buff.  Someone spotted him and called the police.  He told police he knew it was wrong but he’s a big man and sweats too much to wear clothing.  The stupid thing is no charges were filed and all the priest had to do was get therapy.

How to Spot a Religious Cult

July 2, 2007

A cult is defined by Webster’s as 1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the
two sides of religion.  2. A usually nonscientific method or regimenclaimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease. 3. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.

Characteristics of a Cult
The Leader Has All The Answers: In a cult situation the leader is always right and knows everything. He or she is usually self appointed and is considered by members to be a saint or man/woman of God and therefore has the divine authority to instruct people how to live. Cultists are quite fond of quoting their leaders without ever questioning them. To question the leader of a cult may result in punishment or abandonment by the other members and the leader. Cult groups will display an unquestionable zeal for their leader and will refuse to accept that their leader is ever wrong. The leader also usually gets to decide who gets married and when, what kinds of clothing the members are allowed to wear, the way parents discipline their children and dictates who the member has permission to associate with.

No Other Organization Is Right: Cult religions believe that they are the only ones with the truth about God and religion. Anyone wishing to attend or visit another church is shunned by the rest of the congregation and considered to be a backslider who no longer loves God and is under satanic…Read the rest