Archive for the ‘insurance’ Category

Super Woman to Quit Smoking with Help from Chantix

August 22, 2007

Ok, I may not be Superwoman or even a super hero at all but I am going to quit smoking. Last friday my husband and I went for a doctor’s visit to find out all about the new “miracle” drug Chantix.

I’ve done quite a bit of reading about this stuff and I have to say I’ve been a skeptic. When I first heard about chantix I was sitting in the smoking lounge at the airport in Indianapolis when an airport employee came in. She was talking to some other employees that were lighting up and they asked her how long it had been. Being naturally nosy, I was listening in on their conversation.

She told them she had been smoke free for over 3 months thanks to chantix. At that point I started asking her some questions about it and she even mentioned that her insurance covered it.

When I got home from my vacation I told the hubby about it but he wasn’t too keen on the idea since both of us have tried the patch before as well as quitting cold turkey and neither worked.

I called our insurance which happens to be Blue Shield of California and sure enough they covered it. Our copay was only 25 bucks which is definitely affordable. So I called up the doc and got us an appointment.

The doc gave us both prescriptions on Friday and instructed us to make sure we eat a meal before taking a pill, drink lots of water, smoke for the first seven days and set a quit date.

Today is day 5. We still have two smoking days left after today and I have to admit I have already seen a difference. I usually will smoke about two packs a day and I hate to say this but sometimes I even smoke more if we’re partying or something extra stressful is going on. Yesterday I smoked less than a pack of cigs and I didn’t feel any kind of cravings or need to smoke more. It IS amazing and I”m stumped by it because I didn’t even realize I wasn’t smoking as much.

Hopefully this program will work for us. I’m less of a skeptic now and more excited about being smoke-free. I can’t wait until I can go out somewhere and not have to run outside for a smoke.

Here’s to being a non-smoker!