Archive for the ‘indiana’ Category

Sitting in the Airport

July 21, 2007

Well folks I’m sitting in the airport awaiting my flight to Indiana.

I’ve got 20 minutes to go and I’m bored as hell.

I’ll see you in Indy!

Indiana Here I Come!

July 21, 2007

Well ladies and gents,  after tomorrow I”ll be posting far from home.  I leave at 4 a.m. for the San Francisco airport and on to Indiana and Kentucky from there.  As you can see in my previous post, I got my cell phone set up to blog.  This way I can keep you all up to date on my travels as they happen.  

I don’t know if anything interesting is going to happen or not but I am related to the Hatfields, McCoys, Mullins, Patterson’s and Flemings.  I’ll be spending a few days with a cousin in Pikeville, home to the Hatfied and McCoy fueds.  I plan on getting some good pictures so look forward to those.

If my posts look a little funny it will be because I can’t format the posts with my cell phone.  I can only send text and pics but have no control over how they look.

I hope I get a chance to post Sunday or Monday so look for my traveling post in a couple of days.  Talk at you all later from abroad.