Archive for the ‘Ralph Waldo Emerson’ Category

We Do What We Must – current meme

May 5, 2007

We do what we must, and call it by the best names.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

What a great quote! It really can and does carry over into every day life. We’re all running the rat race, simply trying to get by in life.

Someone recently questioned my view on what it means to be a libertine and in response I posted about the libertine Marquis de Sade. But I realized during the conversation with this person that it goes deeper than the stereotypical libertine ideology.

To be a libertine is to be a free thinker, not just in matters of sexuality or religion but also in life in general.

To truly be a free thinker means that no matter what is going on in the world, I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do in lieu in what’s best for me and my family. For me that means separating myself from a very dysfunctional family that has caused a great deal of emotional harm to my children, my husband and myself.

While some people would say it’s heartless and cold to completely cut your relatives out of your life I say it’s sometimes necessary.

So yea call it what you must as will I, but I do what I feel I need to do.