Archive for the ‘new testament’ Category

Why I Don’t Go to Church

June 7, 2007

I was recently asked why I don’t attend church. The question itself doesn’t bother me or offend me but the reason behind the question has gotten under my skin. Its been swilling around inside my cranium like wine in a barrel, brewing and fermenting for several days now

My husband and I were having a smoke and watching tv. Normally when I saw “WE” were watching tv, I mean that my husband is gawking at the boob tube and I’m reading a book but today I was watching it too.

Oddly enough we were watching the History Channel and some show about the Bible and the Apocalypse came on. The timing couldn’t be better. As we sat there and watched the documentary I started thinking about the opinions I have regarding religions.

Why I don’t go to church is an easy question to answer. I’d rather have a root canal in all honesty than attend a church service. Ugg. I can do without all that hugging, crying, praying, brother, sister, amen, hallelujua stuff.

I have attended church, 4 times a week for 3 almost 4 years to be exact. If church consisted only of public speaking I might could be prompted to visit once in a while just because I like something to talk about once in a while. Even though I most likely won’t agree with whatever the preacher is going to say, I have on occasion enjoyed the speaking aspect of a couple of sermons I’ve heard before. I could have gotten the same satisfaction from watching a good show on the History or Discovery Channels though.

Anyway, all this talk about me not going to church and the topics covered on the show I was watching inspired me to write this post about my thoughts on religion.

Religion is man made. From a Christian standpoint, every thing we know about God and Christ comes from a man. There is no proof that God told anyone anything. Why is it that only “certain” people have a 1-800 number to God’s hotline and not others?

Another thing I wonder about is, if Adam and Eve were the first people and Moses came along later how did he know about Adam and Eve? I guess I”m supposed to believe that because Moses wrote that God told him to record the details that I should believe that’s exactly what happened. I mean, sheesh it is Moses we’re talking about right? Gotta believe him, he set the people free from slavery after all.

There are far too many gaps, holes and contradictions in religion, Christianity specifically speaking, for me to believe any of them.

How is it that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, Cain and Abel the first children, and yet when Cain was cast out he was sent to the city of Enoch?

Come again? Wait! I thought they were the first humans? Where the hell did a city come from? The Bible doesn’t say “God created man and then went over here to the south side of the garden and created a whole new freaking city.”

Even stranger is that Cain got married in Enoch. Where did his wife come from?

Should I talk about Constantine? Do I bring up the fact that Bible was hand picked. Hand picked as in what went in it was chosen by human hands and then changed several times as different religions created their own adaptations like the International Revised version.

Let me ask this, to those of you reading this that are Christians of any denomination. Do you think people living deep in the jungles of third world countries go to hell because there was no missionary capable of spreading the Gospel to them? What if they worship other gods because they have no knowledge of civilization much less your man made religious texts? Do you believe your God will condemn their souls to hell?

Here’s another question for you. Every stinking church you go to they use a tactic to convert newbies by preaching how God wants to save every single soul on Earth. Christians make God sound so despondently desperate for me and all sinners to repent and be saved. If that’s the case, if he wants me that bad why doesn’t he just show up and give me a good reason to do so without all the bravado and mystery? He’s God isn’t he? He’s so almighty that he could do that couldn’t he?

I think religion came about because mankind realized that the world, what little he knew about it, was so awesome that there had to be something out there and had a natural need to identify it as something. That something came in the form of religion.

Some Religions believe in following the entire bible while other’s believe in studying the old testament but live by the new. If that’s the case better toss those 10 commandments out the window because those are old testament.

I could go on for days and days, or pages and pages seeing this is a blog but I’ll stop there; for now. If you’ve got anything insightful to add to this or something you want to say to me feel free. If you think you can prove YOUR god to me, have a go of it. I’m open to hearing all about it, just don’t expect me to believe it.