Archive for the ‘art’ Category

Eco-Artists, the Art of Recycling

September 21, 2007

Turning trash into art has become a trend but it has been around for ages. We used to look down our nose at people who collected trash, now we call them thrifty, green artists. Here is a look at a few artists that create with trash.

Barbara Yates likes to create visually stunning and beautiful statues. Out of dead trees, that is. Barbara is what they call a recycling artist; she breathes new life into dead recycled trees with a chisel and a mallet. Her statues are featured in parks across the globe as far away as Ireland where she was invited to do some carvings in exchange for room and board as their very first wood carver.

Many of her carvings feature animals, people and symbols that are often linked with spirituality, Mother Nature and the goddess. Her work has come to be used in various rituals and ceremonies including one done by full moon on Halloween Eve.

Although by the looks of her gallery much of her work is spiritual it is a pleasant surprise that she branches out into other mainstream avenues. Yates has been hired to carve well loved pets by their owners, small children and even gnomes. All of which display her quirky and whimsical sense of humor. Some of her carvings have even been turned into some very wacky furniture. You can view some of her work on her blog by clicking here.

Danny O’Connor or Danny O as he’s come to be known, a native of Massachusetts is a natural recycler. He loves to collect thing and turn them into evocative pieces of art. In 2005 Danny was credited with being the first person to ever create art using scotch tape…Read the rest

Fucked up Friday News

September 8, 2007

Ok I know, I missed Friday again. I have nothing to say for myself and my obvious lack of follow through but gimme a break, I did post yesterday.

So now without further delay I give you this weeks Fucked Up Friday News.

Satan is now living in Cedar Grove Virginia, better still Satan hates the New Life Center church and has proclaimed it loud and clear on a billboard or so you would think if you drove down U.S. 90 and saw it for yourself. The dumb ass pastor of this church is the one who actually put the sign up to lure people to visit his congregation. He and his followers truly believe that by using reverse psychology on us heathens we’ll see the sinful way we live our wicked lives and run bursting through his holy doors for a little bath and prayer time. And they wonder why their building was burnt to the ground.

The Feds are doing what they can to keep track of the lusty ladies like Syvette Wimberly that they’re having illicit fantasy fuck sessions with while they’re jacking off in one of the stalls in the men’s latrine. The Department of Justice is trying to pass a law that would require all porn stars in America be put on a roster because don’t you know porn stars are working the high school hallways to recruit teenagers into fucking them in front of the camera. Of course big time porn producers in the industry aren’t going to sit back and take this quietly. There will be war and who knows maybe we’ll even hear from good ol’ Larry Flint again.

Hold on to your asses boys and girls because you are going to be laughing them off right now. A dwarf had to be rushed to the hospital because he glued his dick to a vacuum cleaner attachment. Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf is his name and he’s a performer at the Circus of Horrors. In other words he’s a freak show performer. His performace includes wearing a vacuum cleaner attachment on his dick so that parts nothing unusual…for him at least. This time the gizmo that holds it in place broke so the dumb fucker decided to glue it on. I would have loved to have been in the emergency room when the ambulance brought him in!

This isn’t really news but it is completely freaky. I found this on a website called Randomania.

If Earth’s population was shrunk into a village of just 100 people- with all the human ratios existing in the world still remaining-what would this tiny, diverse village look like? That’s exactly what Phillip M. Harter, a medical doctor at the Stanford University School of Medicine, attempted to figure out. This is what he found.

57 would be Asian.
21 would be European.
14 would be from the Western Hemisphere.
8 would be African.
52 would be female.
48 would be male.
70 would be nonwhite.
30 would be white.
70 would be non-Christian.
30 would be Christian.
89 would be heterosexual.
11 would be homosexual.
6 people would possess 59 percent of the entire world’s wealth.
All 6 would be from the United States.
80 would live in substandard housing.
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition.
1 would be near death.
1 would be pregnant.
1 would have a college education.
1 would own a computer.

The following is an anonymous interpretation
Think of it this way. If you live in a good home, have plenty to eat and can read, you are a member of a very select group. And if you have a good house, food, can read and have a computer, you are among the very elite. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness… you are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation… you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death…you are fortunate, more than three billion people in the world can’t. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep…you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace …you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy. If your parents are still alive and still married…you are very rare, even in the United States. If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful… You are blessed because the majority can, but most do not. If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them or even touch them on the shoulder…you are blessed because you can offer healing touch. If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.