Archive for the ‘child custody’ Category

Woman loses her child to violent ex-husband because the child cried in the court room

August 12, 2007

Please watch this video and visit Sarabeth’s squidoo page. This woman needs as much support as she can get.

A woman in west plains was at a custody hearing between herself and her ex-husband who has a history of violence, spousal abuse and child abuse with no attorney because she can’t afford one.

During the hearing her ex-husband’s lawyer, Roy Williams stated getting loud which caused the child to cry in the court room.

Judge Wiles of the Howell County Courthouse told the woman if she couldn’t stop the child from crying he would remove the child from her care and then called a recess.

During the recess the woman took her child outside to the parking lot to gather some composure and was surrounded in her car by her ex-husband and several of his friends.

She was so panicked that she drove away. When she returned for the rest of the hearing she found the courtroom doors had been locked and the hearing continued without her.

The judge ignored the protective order she had filed some time earlier and refused to hear testimony from the child’s pediatrician.

When the woman got home sheriff’s department arrived and took the child from her crib. The child was turned over to the father and woman was told she could visit her daughter but was not told WHERE to go for that visit.

This woman is in dire need of help. She has found one attorney willing to look at her case for $5,000 down. She does not have the money and the judge will not postpone any proceedings long enough for her to raise the funds.

She’s asking for information on an attorney that will work pro bono or let her make small payments. She’s a work at home mom just trying to get by and can’t do this alone.

At this point a group of other people who work from home are trying to spread the word and hopefully get some assistance from a news reporter or news station willing to put this in the media.

Since this woman works from home everyone can help without giving any money simply by reading the freelance journalism articles she writes. Every page view earns her money that is going towards this case.

Of course she also has something set up for paypal donations as well.

She did set up a squidoo lens to tell her story so you can read some about it yourself and see a video of her speaking out about it.

If anyone has any information that could help this poor woman please leave a comment on her squidoo page or here on the libertine page.

The Case No. is 06AL-FC00533 and you can request info on it at… (you have to go to the contact link at the bottom of the page)

Her journalism articles are here:

Her squidoo lens is here:

her paypal stuff is here:

Write the heartless judge at:

Judge Wiles
Howell County Courthouse
1 Courthouse Street
West Plains, Missouri 65775-3400

Please keep her in your thoughts and for those of you that pray keep her in your prayers.