Archive for the ‘movies’ Category

Why Are High Schools Showing Our Kids the Movie, 300?

September 21, 2007

When school started this year my son brought home a package of papers from his teachers for me to look through and sign. His world history teacher provided parents with a list of movies he and the other world history teachers plan on showing in the classroom this year. One of the movies included on the list is 300.

I had not seen the movie but I figured if it was being shown in the classroom then it must not have too much inappropriate content in it so I went ahead and signed my consent.

Ironically, that same weekend one of my husband’s co-workers loaned him the movie. I really wasn’t anticipating a good film and wasn’t too enthused about watching it. I have to say I was wrong, 300 is an excellent movie.

What I wasn’t prepared for was the degree of sex that was depicted in the movie. It is clearly not a movie that should be shown in the classroom and that made me wonder why the school board approved such a movie for classroom viewing. So I decided to make a few calls to get to the bottom of this.

I spoke with the principle of my son’s high school on the phone and while she was eager to assist me and very friendly she was not much help. She was not even aware that 300 was on the list of movies and had not seen the movie. She did however; inform me of the method the school uses to determine which movies are put on the list.

According to Merced High School’s principle, it is the California State Board of Education that approves the list of movies to be shown in the classroom. From there the list is handed down to individual school districts where someone on the local board hands it down to teachers. In this case Sylvia Smith sits on the board and has concluded that in spite of the explicit content in this movie (i.e. Clearly showing nipples in a sex scene intended for adult’s eyes) it is alright to show even though the state regulations are that any rated “R” movie containing nudity and sex is off limits and any movie found to be… Read the rest