Archive for the ‘dicks’ Category

Loveland South Korea, Sex on Display

June 30, 2007

I know I don’t get out much but I seriously should have heard of this place before. It’s sad when my husband tells me about something HE’s read. He’s not real big on casual reading and it’s usually me saying, “Know what I read today?”

Sorry, I’m getting off track. Loveland is a sex museum, an outdoor sex statues-doing-the-nasty-in-the-buff museum.

There are hills made to look like boobs with sprinkler heads for nipples. Statues of people having sex in all kinds of postions are scattered throughout the garden as exhibits.

The funniest thing I saw was the pathway markers. They are shaped like dicks! Oh but wait, let me tell you about the hand cranked animated simulated sex machine or the weiner water fountains.

Loveland is a honemooners retreat. Everything there is geared towards newlyweds. If you’re getting married soon suggest this to your fiance.

Here’s an article about Loveland
And here’s a gallery so you can have a sneaky poo!