Catholics Don’t Sell Sex Toys

Can someone please explain to me what it is the Catholics have against sex toys? Once again religion has tried to squelch self pleasuring. I just heard about this. I know I”m a day late and a dollar short but se la vie.

Anyhow a couple of weeks ago a Catholic priest fired his organist and choir director because he discovered she had been selling sex toys. This woman had been playing the organ and leading the choir for 35 years and volunteered a lot of that time. What kind of thanks is that!

So here she is, called into the Priests office thinking she was going to be thanked for her devotion and hard work and instead he tells her that if she doesn’t quit selling sex toys for Pure Romance that she’s going to lose her job.

Long story short, she didn’t quit selling sex toys because she had suffered a brain tumor and was left sexually dysfunctional. She needed sex toys in her own life so she started trying to help out other women who had the same or similar problems.

Then, get this, after she explained this to the priest he turned around and wrote a letter to the whole church telling them that she was a sinner for selling sex toys.

The accused woman wrote a 3 page letter of her own telling the church exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. some of the choir quit to support her. You go ladies (and men)!! They are now singing hymns at her house on Thursday evenings.

This is absurd and ridiculous. Why do people think that they need some man in a funny hat who wears a robe has the right to invade their personal lives this way? It’s bullshit as far as I’m concerned. I’m going to see if I can find out what’s happened to this lady since then. If I do find out I’ll let you all know what happens.

If you’re as outraged as I am about this dickhead priest spread the word and let’s support this woman.

One Response to “Catholics Don’t Sell Sex Toys”

  1. Thesaurus Rex Says:

    Hey, we’re talking about an organisation that has had it in for women since it’s way back when. A religion run by allegedly celebate men which has actively sought to cover up or quash allegations and actual accounts of child sexual abuse. We’re writing here about a church based in a secretive country within a country, phenominally rich compared to millions of it’s followers with whom it shares only some of that wealth. And you still think that you should be surprised that somebody gets the sack for selling a few buzzing phalli? Surprised? No! Outraged? Go for it!!! Your Pentecostal Church article points out about their firm belief that women should obey the will of men. (on a broad daily basis if not totally and literally) Am checking in on your blog regularly, which is now on my favourites list. Keep ’em comin’, Libertine M

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