
I don’t understand why people are offended by the word fuck. The word fuck isn’t even really word, it’s an acronym that stands for “for unlawful carnal knowledge.”

When someone says fuck you, that’s not offensive, it’s illiterate. Waving your finger in the air and shouting, “For unlawful carnal knowledge you,” makes absolutely no sense.

You can’t get offended by someone misusing and abusing the English language. People misuse words all the time.

British chef Gordon Ramsay adores the acronym so much that he named one of his restaurants The F Word where he regularly incorporates his use of the F word into as many conversations as he can.

Most of us have used the word fuck in anger. The whole point of saying fuck is to offend. There’s an unwritten rule in society that says the word fuck is bad. Be very offended.

I’m not sure why this word has the power it does to stun us into being speechless. We don’t like having fuck thrown in our own faces and yet we don’t mind pitching a fuck of our own at someone else.

Not everyone says fuck off, fuck you, fuck yourself or fuck it. Some people are so offended by the harmless acronym that they abstain from having anything to do with it at all.

Since this article in informing, would that mean I’m sharing carnal knowledge with you? When the constitution was signed I was granted the lawful right to say what I wan so I guess my sharing this information with you isn’t unlawful. No fuck here. Ah well, fuck off anyway.

2 Responses to “Fuck”

  1. Becky C. Says:

    I think more than anything is the guttural sound of the word that gives it power. “Oh Intercourse” does not cut it.


  2. Kristina Says:

    Very interesting posting. I had never known what the word “fuck” meant. It’s a shame something has been turned into such a vulgar word. Great read.

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