How to Dispose of a Dead Body

Killing someone is messy business but somebody’s got to do it. Granted it’s not for the weak of heart or those with a sensitive stomach but it’s a chore all the same. The killing part isn’t all that hard, it’s stashing the corpse that can lead to ulcers and migraines.
The next time you set out to murder another human being choose one of these simple disposal methods instead of dumping your dead bodies in the dumpster.

Feed the Fish
This is perhaps one of my favorite methods of disposal. It’s somewhat messy and requires planning but it is a fool proof way to get rid of the evidence. Body bags and transport pouches will not be needed.

Once your victim is no longer breathing drag them out into the backyard. Spread a tarp on the ground, preferably a big black tarp, and plug in your industrial sized wood chipper. Vecoplan makes some nice ones. Feed the body into the chipper. Beware of flying chunks…Read the rest

One Response to “How to Dispose of a Dead Body”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    yay… now i can dispose of my aunt faye!!

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