Debauchery Ball – The Ultimate Drinking Game

I just discovered Debauchery Ball. I’m still confused whether or not it’s a misspelling or an intentional play on words. Whichever the case, it’s apparently a real game played by real people.

Here’s how it works. The game itself is a spin-off of the traditional game Boccie Ball except that it’s played while being intoxicated. Oh, and I almost forgot; you make up the rules as you go along, otherwise there are no rules. Rules that give the rule-maker the advantage are perfectly legal in this game.

The object of the game is to take turns throwing a ball and aiming for someone else’s ball. The winner is the person that gets the closest.

I guess you’d have to be drunk to play a game like this because it’s not obvious why anyone would suddenly become inspired to lob balls around just to see if they can land a ball next to another one.

Call me crazy but I don’t get the appeal; at least not when its put in those terms.

I’m guessing what makes people want to play this game is the fact that once everyone is drunk the game takes a turn for the crazy. There are some pretty strange rules in debauchery ball and that’s because the whole point of debauchery ball is that you don’t need rules to play. Whatever you come up with will work just fine no matter how spontaneous and out of the blue it is.

In Debauchery Ball there are both fair and unfair rules and both types are legal.

Fair rules are rules that have to be agreed on by everyone playing. They are considered to be old rules that no once cares about or uses.

Unfair rules are rules that only have to be agreed on by 3 or 4 of the players. These are usually used to pick on somebody with especially if he or she is winning.

Some fair rules include, the beer rule which means if you break a rule you have to finish your beer. The smash stuff rule which means you have to actually hit something with your ball even if the other players are the only things at hand to hit.

An example of an unfair rule would be when a player has to throw his ball on every turn with his pants down around his ankles or is required to fetch beer for everyone throughout the current game or wear a pink bath robe.

Getting inside someone else’s ball means Getting in your pants in debauchery ball.

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